Lisa Buscaglia
Executive Assistant

Lisa Buscaglia
Executive Assistant

Licensing: RS367165

Meet Lisa Buscaglia, Executive Assistant to the Beth & CJ Stein Team. Lisa brings a rich skill set to this role in which she is the steady contact for clients from contract to closing, ensuring all the moving parts of the real estate transaction are coordinated smoothly, accurately, and on time. Clients can relax, knowing they are in capable, caring hands.

Formerly the Director of Enrollment Management at an independent, private school, Lisa acquired a keen sense of the value of relationship building. As is so important in real estate, being responsive, resourceful, and results-driven, Lisa maintains that there is no such thing as too many questions asked – she wants clients to know their questions will be answered. Issues that may arise will be tended to and resolved with calm professionalism. She is tech-savvy and knowledgeable about the many “rules of the road,” and recently acquired her Pennsylvania real estate license.

A native of the area, Lisa is passionate about seeing her community thrive and continue to be the highly desirable location that other families love to call their home. This quality is among the many that make her a perfect fit for the Beth and CJ Stein Team, recognized for their deep ties to the community as hosts of charity events, supporters of local businesses, and frequent volunteers.

Approachable, friendly, and always eager to help, Lisa is here to ensure all clients a positive real estate experience. She looks forward to meeting and working with you!

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